Zombie Maths

In Maths we have started looking at Location. Our task today was to draw a map on some graph paper, and using grid coordinates, come up with some questions that would test our classmates’ knowledge of plotting a map. We were also told to include a scale on our map so that we could have measurement and converstion questions.

We decided to create a map of a town, including shops, houses and a graveyard. Then we thought that it would be fun to have zombie based questions! Our first idea was ‘How long would it take for a zombie to get to the school if it walks at 5km/h?’ Then we thought about practical zombie considerations such as fences, roads, parks etc that would affect its movement.




These are the questions we have come up with so far…

  • “If the number of the sectors in the cemetery represent the speed in km/h that zombies from that sector can walk, how long would it take for the hospital to be completely overrun?”
  • “If a family member wanted to get a shotgun from the store to kill a zombie, how far would it be from the mansion to the school?”
By Alyshia and Leanne


2 thoughts on “Zombie Maths

  1. I love the activity, and kind of wish I had come up with the idea 😉 There are so many possible extensions to this too. You could compare fast zombies to slow zombies. You could calculate times to board up windows. You could even time students running to see who you would send to which building to replace food or equipment.

    Mr. C

  2. Pingback: Mr Huebl's Classroom - Battleship Maths

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